Meet the architect behind pillars.



Nikol has a background in life coaching, biblical counseling, and over 20 years of owning multiple businesses. Even before Pillars, she always had a strong desire to ask questions, seek understanding, and help those around her.

Her journey began by pursuing a degree in psychology, but while in college, her life abruptly changed after the death of her father. She was left with multiple businesses and the bigger question of life and her guiding purpose. Her desire to find answers led her to bible college, where she learned systematic theology and biblical studies and began to tap into her passion for helping others in the church, but she wanted to do more. She wanted to work with people no matter where they were in their faith journey or belief system. She discovered life coaching and began to understand the power of guiding people to find the answers that lie within them-selves and how beneficial this process is for one's life. Over 20 years later, she and her husband are still running the businesses her father left her, and she's deepened her passion for helping others through Pillars counseling and life coaching. Nikol has been happily married for over 30 years with two children and enjoys spending time with her three grandchildren.

Multi-Business Owner & CEO | Counselor & Life Coach | Co-Founder of Haven Sanctuary For Women

A fresh approach to today’s constantly changing landscape.

PILLARS MISSION: EMPOWERING clients to be strong, confident, and, most importantly, grounded through safe and honest conversations.


 Pillars was founded with the belief that to stand firm and navigate through life’s challenges successfully, it all starts at the foundation. Pillar’s practices are rooted in discovering what lies at the heart of clients’ challenges, goals, and vision for their future. From there, helping them build the framework and foundation that can stand the test of time.


  • Client security and safety is top priority. Every conversation is led without judgment and in complete confidentiality, always.

  • Honesty is the basis for any successful relationship. Inviting clients to enter into an honest relationship where truth is at the forefront of every conversation. Without truth, there’s nothing to build upon.

  • Championing clients to understand their value in this world, own it, and to stand firmly in their beliefs and aspirations.

  • Pillars believes if you’re not moving forward, you’re not growing. The goal is to get you unstuck and to help you find the stepping stones you need to establish a firm footing and move forward.