The Pillars Community on Staying Grounded Pt. 3

What helps you stay grounded and gain confidence to do what you love? Here from our Pillars Community…


“I've learned that in order to stay grounded in life, I need to have a good routine and stay active. Meditation is also a big part of my daily routine. Mediation helps me to clear my mind and focus better. If you are not able to sit still in order to do meditation, I also highly recommend doing yoga. Yoga is another form of exercise, and it is beneficial for the body and mind. I call it movement meditation. The most important thing for me is to have enough sleep. It's essential to have a good night's sleep. If I don't have great sleep, I know that during day I will be cloudy and have a harder time focusing.”

Chia Bush — Owner of Studio You (

"Family and dear friends have been and will always be at the core of what keeps me focused and grounded. I feel that having a strong inner circle of people that one can lean on and trust in times of need, is very beneficial. I know that the people in my inner circle help me relax and reboot regularly. By surrounding myself with supportive, trustworthy and loving family, friends, and co-workers, I find a refreshing level of focus and peace in my personal and professional life."

Vanessa Mahan DDS — Mahan & Pete Family Ministry (


Rest Assured


Daydream Believer