The Pillars Community on Staying Grounded Pt. 1

What helps you stay grounded and gain confidence to do what you love? Here from our Pillars Community…

“Boundaries are most important for me to stay confident and grounded. As an entrepreneur with multiple businesses, a wife, a mother, a daughter, and a friend, I often feel pulled in a thousand directions. It is critical for me to set and hold myself accountable to maintain healthy boundaries in every area of my life. These boundaries help me “stay in my lane” and protect my energy, my health, my relationships, and my creativity so that I can offer the best of me in every area of my life and truly thrive. I always know when I begin to feel ungrounded, I need to re-evaluate and adjust my boundaries to bring things into balance again.”

Andrea Bankert - AirBnb Owner ( ) Cognative MTB Apparel ( )

"Being "others" focused. Realizing that the Lord blessed me with gifts and talents to be used for His glory and to bless others. It's not about me!"

Megan Duke - Singer - Songwriter ( @megandukemusic )

"Focus, mental talk, and breath work are critical to my ability to be confident and grounded. I trust in the divine universe to support my journey in the perfect timing and provision of everything. I stay focused on my own purpose without comparing myself to others. And if I catch myself getting anxious or stressed, I breathe, refocus, and figure out what belief is in my head that is untrue and needs re-writing."

Ashley Jones - Founder - Love Not Lost ( @lovenotlostorg )

"I get my confidence and grounding from getting up early and spending time hearing from God (reading His word) and talking to God (praying). This daily routine helps me to rely on His power (Holy Spirit) and not my own power. My confidence lies in the Lord.  Jesus says "...apart from ME you can do nothing." -John 15:5b

I look at every morning as a reboot....a fresh start. I ask for wisdom, divine appointments, supernatural revelations and for His will not mine. 

Even in the most challenging times, leaning into Jesus' guidance, brings peace and hope to persevere. Which, in turn, greatly helps with confidence and grounding."

Marcia Duke - Co-Founder, Branding & Community Outreach Director of Duke Homes ( @dukehomes )

"I feel the most grounded and confident when I am praying and reading scripture on a regular basis, communicating well with my husband, family, and best friend, and when I am exercising and eating right. I feel a sense of imbalance and lower self-esteem when one or more of these is not happening as it should. Also, I find that I am less creative and productive when these areas of my life are off -kilter!"

Natalie Holzer - Freelance Journalist


The Pillars Community on Staying Grounded Pt. 2